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About Guiding Sense

Guiding Sense is a boutique initiative promoting mental health, well-being and wellness.


We guide individuals and groups to move forward from uncertainties and to take action through adaptive coping, mindfulness and an effective well being practice. We do this through supportive guidance, psychological counselling, coaching, curated digital guides, upcoming online mini courses, mini webinars, mini workshops, meditations, online well being resources and our signature Guiding Sense Walks.


We aim to assist individuals, students, schools, communities, organisations to proactively reflect on how to grow and maintain sustainable mental, physical, emotional, psychological and social resources in the goal of living an enriching, meaningful and fulfilling life they uniquely design.


Our services are guided by informed professional and ethical practice standards and delivery. We honour each well being journey in its uniqueness. Individual outcomes vary. At Guiding Sense we encourage individual flexibility to explore proactive steps into your well being journey.


Our passion and commitment to serve come from over 25 years of collective skills, expertise and experience in mental health promotion, education, prevention and intervention. Commitment to partnerships and collaborations are key to the services that we do for the social good.



Theresa Victoria B Roldan

Founder, Psychologist

Psychology Board Registered

AHPRA (Australian Health Profressionals Regulatory Authority)

Associate Member,  APS (Australian Psychological Society)

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Master of Science in Psychology (Child and Adolescent Therapy)

Master of Arts in Education (Early Intervention)

Master of Science in Medicine (Pain Management)


Theresa has been assisting clients with diverse needs in schools, community organisations, government and private practice settings for over 25 years. Theresa is understanding of challenges, vulnerability and overwhelming feelings brought about by stressful demands and life's expectations.


Theresa is approachable with professional skills in assisting individuals and diverse groups with their unique and varying needs. Theresa believes in effective counselling, psychotherapeutic processes, mental health promotion, psychoeducation and prevention programs that can lead to exploring mind shifts, adaptive coping skills and helpful practical tools to overcome barriers towards achieving and sustaining a meaningful and fulfilling life. Theresa invites you to a collaborative process. At the moment, Theresa assists counselling clients from the age of 20. To enquire about future services for children and teens please contact us.

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Find out how Theresa can guide you to move forward. Contact us to book your counselling appointment.

How can we help you?

Psychology, Counselling

and Coaching 

A curated wellbeing toolkit of meditations and digital guides

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